I Sail,

Lil pecks
Cling on me,
Sorrow ‘s dust stays,
There somewhere, too near!
Hops off my rusty chair,
to newfound doors venturing-
new ways, but I fondly dust them~
Off my weathered shoes: and walk again.
“Here, lil pecks cling on me, Sorrow ‘s dust stays,”

~Kunjal Gupta

This is a poem which has been penned for the W3 Prompt #78 where the poets were asked to pen a Dectina Refrain expressing some emotion. I wanted to write about those moments of life when we feel sad, or we perform bad, or we simply mess up. While they are not defining, I personally feel that my failures and my mistakes and mess ups are a very important part of me. For if I had not experienced them or have them even now, I would have been unable to experience the cheesiness and the vibrancy of other emotions like success happiness joy and ecstasy so strongly in my life… I leave it up to the readers to interpret this poem in their own way

What is a Dectina Refrain?

A poetry form comprising of:

  • Ten lines;
  • Syllabic count: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 per line
  • The tenth line is comprised of the first four lines all together, as one stand alone line in quotation marks. (apparently the quotation marks are optional.)

22 thoughts on “I Sail,

  1. oooh “Sorrow’s dust stays” “rusty chair” “newfound doors” “fondly dust them – off weathered shoes” – such clever imagery has really played in my mind …. really enjoyed your take on this ….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have to agree that the acceptance of the “dust of sorrows” is the soil for growth. I’ve always maintained that that which is broken and mended is more valuable than the pristine life….


    1. I truly agree with your thoughts muri! thank you for reading!
      P.S The scavenger hunt which you are hosting, can we like publish a post related to it anytime on the themes you have given or do we have to publish one everyday?


      1. The scavenger hunt is a free form deal. You can write them in any order, do them all on one day, space them out any way you like, combine prompts, and although the hunt is officially over on the last day of October many write to the prompts well into November! Please feel free to join the fun!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: REBLOG: ‘I sail,’ by Kunjal Gupta – The Skeptic's Kaddish 🇮🇱

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